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Organization Tips From The Masters

      Are you, like us, affictionate for a ll things org anizing?       We're starting a new section on this blog with our own organization tips as well as our considerations on tips we have tried from other organizers.     Here are our top 3 favs: Martha Stewart      Mother of all organizers; of course, we're all Martha Stewart fans. Her motto itself carries a key concept for  keeping  organized: "A place for everything and everything on its place." And she wouldn't stop at that; besides the  organization tips , on her  website , there are plenty on advice on other household related topics. Apartament Therapy      You don't have to do it all at once, Apartament Therapy has a program for decluttering , cleaning and organizing your whole home, "one room at a time'' . If the task gets boring or tiring, you can reward yourself with small treats that bring comfort to your home, such as buying fresh flowers for your house's vases. Marie Kondo  

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